Friday, August 12, 2005

Hello Family!

This is a big shout out to my dad and sisters who I just finally got around to telling that this blog exists.

Okay, so I haven't written in awhile. The main reason is that I'm pretty discouraged with the whole library profession. When I first started looking into it, it seemed everyone was screaming that they had nobody to fill all the librarian positions out there. Not true. Sort of...

The problem is that there are no entry level positions open (according to a lot of people in the profession). The people that have been in the profession for years (decades?) do not want to move into manager slots. Which leaves the newly graduated library students no place to work.

I had planned on getting a masters degree in library sciences after I graduate this year, but I'm incredibly close to calling the whole thing off. But what about my current job? Well, I talked to some folks around here and it turns out that every time they lose a staff position, it is gone for good. When I graduate, there will be no open spots for me to fill. All in all, very discouraging.

So what to do? To quote Baldrick from the show Black Adder:

"I have a clever plan!"

More info to follow...

1 comment:

Huni said...

so where's your next post? :) Been checking in every day or two :)