Saturday, February 25, 2006

Happy B-Day Isaiah!

Okay, it was actually yesterday. However, he is having his party today. At times it is hard to picture him being six years old and at other times it seems like he has been around forever. Speaking of being around forever, he was way too wound up last night to go to sleep. Eventually he remembered (on his own) the last time he stayed up (when he watched a Looney Toons box set with me) and what a headache he had the next morning. He sent him off to bed with a "Night Dad!" and we didn't hear from him again. People (especially kids) are funny critters.

Anyhow, happy birthday kiddo!

1 comment:

Huni said...

Um... he can't be 6! He's still a little kid... nope... M's 6, he's not suppose to be 6. Ack!!

Happy Birthday kiddo.