Monday, February 06, 2006

Superbowl - Superblah

I didn't watch the whole Superbowl, since I'm not a big football fan. However, what I did watch did nothing but mildly irritate me. The Seahawks got shafted by absolutely terrible calls by the refs. That and you never knew from one play to the next if that one receiver (Stevens?) was going to catch the stupid ball or not. I'm just glad I was watching it by myself. I couldn't have handled watching it with rabid sports fans. All in all, I don't think the Steelers won the game as much as the Seahawks lost it. Meh. I'm over it.

(P.S. And the commercials were crappy. Seriously. Not a single good one.)


Huni said...

there was a good one... the budweiser one with the little clydes pulling the wagon and the two bigger ones pushing from behind... ok, maybe I'm just sappy, but it made me cry.

Lifeofpiggys said...

I watched all of 6 minutes...The first few plays were brilliant....back to being the seahawks - trying something different instead of doing what was getting them somewhere. Can I be hopeful and say maybe next year!