Thursday, February 23, 2006


My athletic energy has leveled off this past week. I've hit that stage where I don't feel like pushing myself anymore. I've decided not to sign up for the swim meet in April - again, too many other things going on. I have a sprint workout in about an hour that I'm not really looking forward to.

On the upside, I am halfway through my last semester! Yea me!

I've been in contact with a few professional scouters lately and they all have pretty much the same thing to say: The first two years are the 60+ hours a week hard. Ugg.

On the upside, if you can make it through the third year, you are set. Yea me.

I've also been trying to go to sleep earlier and quit my late night snacks. My body is still adjusting and that could account for my lethargic feelings lately.

On the upside...oh, who am I kidding? I've been lethargic my whole life. Umm...yea me...?

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