Thursday, February 16, 2006


Perfume for Valentine's Day (for Leslie, not for me). I don't know how long I spent at that counter snorting smell after smell. I do know that when I got home I smelled pretty strange. Perhaps I don't have a sophisticated sniffer, but a lot of the expensive perfumes just plain stink.

Scuba yesterday was awesome as usual. We're using the full equipment now and doing things like sitting at the bottom of the 8 foot section, taking off our masks, swimming away for a bit, coming back, putting the mask back on (underwater), and clearing it so you can see again (also underwater). Cool stuff - but dang, is it cold just sitting there underwater!

Speaking of swimming...Looks like I'll be swimming in the local master's meet again this year. It will be on April 1st (no, this is not an April Fools joke). I have no idea what I want to swim. I'll probably do all the 50s or the 100s and maybe a long distance event as well.

Sleep has been fleeting lately. I blame poker. I've been playing a lot online - not with real money, of course - and it constantly reminds me why. I get lucky every now and then, but for the most part I'm pretty terrible at it. Which I suppose is a good thing - it keeps me out of the casinos. I don't figure I'll be playing for much longer. It's mildly fun, but losing its appeal rapidly. Just doesn't do much for me.

School is school. I'll be glad to leave.

Kids are doing good...generally. This past month Mary has started throwing some major attitude towards Leslie. She feels sorry afterwards and says she doesn't know how to act differently. It's a learning process and from what I know about her, it is probably just as hard on her as it is on Leslie. You want your kids to grow up to be nice people, but sometimes it is hard to figure out what you have to do now in order for that to happen. Parenting sure has its ups and downs, and I'm trying not to let it stress me out.

1 comment:

Lifeofpiggys said...

Parenting - here are my questions. 1. How do you teach your children that telling the truth even if you broke something is ok. (Currently Callum is to blame for everything) 2. Cause and effect - if you push someone down they will get hurt (for some reason this hasn't sunk in with Tom until after the push happens and then he is the one crying not the one who was pushed)
I'm finding parenting very challangeing but wouldn't give it up for the world - ask me again when Tom and Stephen are teenagers! I just have to believe I'm doing it right and cross my fingers I'm right. I think the biggest problem is that our behavior standards at home/out are more strict than most ie. our children aer not allowed to run about unatended, languge, and pleases and thank yous.I could go on forever about all this but I won't