Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Does This Mean I'm Only a 1/3 of a Man?

Of the 30 Days to a Better Man project, I made it (kinda-sorta) 10 days. I just have too many other thing to distract me to stay focused on one thing for too long. I'm like a magpie: "Ooo! Shiny!" and off I go in a different direction. It can be a little agravating at times, but there it is.

I suppose I could go back and make more catch-up posts, but that doesn't really interest me at the moment. I read through the tasks for the other days, and while there were some good ones, I'm ready to move on with life.

"So," I can hear you saying, "what, exactly, has been monopolizing your attention this past month?" Several things:
  • A board game called BattleTech - giant fighting robots, huzzah!
  • Trying to brainstorm ways to get in better shape without actually having to do anything (I'll let you know if I come up with any good ideas)
  • A scattering of religious topics - mostly revolving on things I should and need to improve upon in my life
  • I finished reading Robinson Crusoe and gearing up for Huckleberry Finn
  • The Fourth of July is coming up and I'm planning on, yet again, being a right-wing extremist rabblerouser

I'm sure there were others, but either they didn't catch my attention long enough for me to remember a week or so later. Go figure.


Lifeofpiggys said...

Stephen loves magpies and will tell you all about them...he also wants to play your giant fighting robot game!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, a sparklely! Must be in the genes. I once concentrated on one thing for a whole minute and a half.(but not lately) Dad