Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Happy Birthday America!

Okay, it's a day late...

We spent the morning up at my parents. My dad bought Isaiah a fishing pole and gave me one of his old ones. I haven't been fishing since I was a little boy. I can catch fish, but I don't enjoy fishing as such. I'm there to catch a fish and eat it - not for the sport of it or whatever else.

He also gave me a pocket watch. I love pocket watches. He still has an old one that us kids got him many years ago. It no longer works, but he has still kept it around in the hopes of getting it fixed one day. I'll have to see what I can do about that this year. The one he gave me isn't an expensive one by anymeans, and it needs a new battery. Still...

Now that I think about it, it was a bit of a gift day. He also returned my cookoo clock that he took and fixed himself last month. The man is amazing.

AND...to top that off, he gave me another Pendleton Blanket!

They are getting ready to head down to Arizona in two months, so they are dejunking and streamlining their lives.

We came back in the afternoon to spend time with Leslie's parents and family. We started to watch The Maltese Falcon, but I didn't get to finish it. The firework show was going to start soon and we wanted to be able to find a parking spot.

I love living in the United States of America, but I have my doubts about some of my fellow Americans. The Fourth of July around here is what I imagine living in a war zone would be like. Explosions going off all over - screw personal safety. The firework show itself was okay. Nothing that great, but I can't complain that much because it's free.

The kids also got to sit in a fire engine that was there. They all loved that. Rebecca managed to sleep through the fireworks...again. She has done that every year since she was born. Eyes clamped tight with fingers in her ears. Very cute.

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