Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Y!PP Monkey Business

Well, not only did I not win the writing contest in Puzzle Pirates, but I wasn't even on the runner-up list. I'm quite disappointed with the whole deal. I guess that is what you have to deal with when you don't know your audience (judges) very well. Oh well. No monkey for me.

Our crew is pretty much dead now. Most of the active people switched after the split and now those of us left are debating the merits of recruiting, merging, or just disbanding. Such is the online life.

I really wish I had a good internet connection and another computer so Leslie and I could start our own crew. She is also a fan of the game, and a good puzzler as well. I heard that my sister, Lori, played the game for some time awhile back, but isn't currently playing. It'd be kinda neat to have a family crew going - but that probably isn't going to happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell me how to play and I will join you. You know me and the computer. Tell me how to do it and I will do it . Love your site. Will be reading often now I know you have it. Helen