Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Cold to Very Cold With a Chance of Rain

It's June, and I shouldn't be cold. The temperature has been pretty low the past few weeks with minor exceptions. This morning was also overcast. Normally I wouldn't mind some rain - I enjoy it. However, I ride my bike to work, so when I felt a few tiny drops I figured I was going to get soaked sometime today.

I don't mind riding a bike, but this town certainly isn't bike-friendly. I don't mean the people, I mean the layout of the town itself. There are far too many hills and most of the roads are narrow with no bike lanes. It doesn't help that there are a bunch of stupid college kids who drive way too fast and way too close to me. One of these days I'm probably going to get hit.

Speaking of hills, shouldn't it get easier to go up them the more you do it? Maybe I'm just starting to show some aging, but the hill we live on just doesn't seem to get much better. I'm not in terrible shape, although I haven't been swimming in a few months. The workout times for the local masters swimming club were just way too early. I'll have to look into some later practices. I miss getting in the water.

The kids had a great time putting the posters up in their rooms last night. I had forgotten how many I had brought home. We covered the walls and a good portion of the ceilings. They spent the rest of the nights in thier rooms just looking at them.

Ah! Do you hear that? Quietness! It gave my wife and I some time just to sit and talk. I don't know if I have anything planned for the rest of the week. It seems like I'm forgetting something.

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