Thursday, June 16, 2005

On second thought...

Knowing a bit about myself, I don't think I'll take much time to write in the evenings. I usually have so many other things to do (read, play with the kids, sleep, etc.) that writing isn't on my mind that much.

I'm trying to get the two older kids (Mary and Isaiah) signed up for swim lessons that start next week. Before I had kids, I had ever intention to teach my kids myself. However, I found out quickly that I have a big phobia when I comes to my kids around water. I get too uptight and I worry about them a lot.

They started taking lessons last winter. With a few exceptions, I went and watched them. They both had a great time and are looking forward to doing it again. Overall, I did pretty good about not being too stressed out about it.

Every now and then I have dreams about drowning. Kinda funny coming from a guy who has been swimming competitively most of his life.

On a different note, the writing contest deadline is this coming Monday. I've already submitted my entry. I'm getting pretty anxious to see how I did. As of right now, I'm pretty optimistic about winning but, as Winnie-the-Pooh says, you never can tell with bees.

I've also been entertaining myself at work by listening to Shanty Radio which is run by some players in Puzzle Pirates. Some songs are not entirely appropriate for work (or anywhere for that matter) - I just turn those down or off. But for the most part it is entertaining.

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